Thursday, December 18, 2008

1 More Day! Whoo Hoo! We're so excited about getting a 2 week break! We'll have our own little family Christmas early this year since Cameron will be with his dad on Christmas. The boys are excited about getting to open presents this Saturday morning when Santa comes! We leave for Arkansas on Sunday and return the following Sunday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. We had some recent ice this week, but no school closings. Our district does not close for weather unless there's 6 feet of snow or something like that! Over 200 wrecks reported in Dallas but our district didn't close! Some surrounding districts closed or opened late, not ours!

Not much news worthy to report, just thought I'd post something because it's been a month since I posted. So, for the norm, I needed to post!

Austin is doing well in school, makng A's and loving trombone. The area director of band for the district told me that Austin was a natural trombone player and that he was made to play the trombone! I said his piano background must have helped, she said, yes, but even if he hadn't had the piano, he woud still have a natural talent to play. As I write this, he is at the Dalas Stars Hockey game that I am watching on TV. The Stars are ahead 4-3
Cameron is learning to write his name and doing pretty good, is it too early to get worried about dyslexia???? haha Can't seem to shake his runny nose, probably allergies. I guess having a dog doesn't help matters, especially when the dog sleeps with ya!

Well, we hope everyone has a restful and very blessed holiday season. I probably won't post again until next year! I am planning to have a NYE party at my house, so that should be fun!
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This past weekend the boys and I had a little fun. We went shopping and did the Santa thing! This was the best time to go see Santa! NO WAIT, NONE whatsoever! I couldn't believe it! We walked into the mall (around 5:45pm Sunday - Santa closed at 6pm) and walked right up to Santa, Cameron told him all that he wanted, I had my camera with me and took some pics, and that was it! In and out in 5 minutes! I couldn't get Austin to sit on Santa's lap though. It was hard enough to get him to sit with the big brown bear that was just sitting around the mall looking lonely! Then we found the cool car and you can tell by the look on Austin's face, he was Oh So Excited to be sitting in the little green car!
Austin has another soccer tournament this weekend so that's what we'll be doing. Woo Woo! Then next week, only 2 days of school for all of us then it's off to Hermann! Woo Woo! Long drive but we get to see Uncles, Aunts and cousins, and PawPaw. Gonna get some good use of the dvd player in the van!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well, a long trip to say goodbye to a lifelong friend. I'm back in Dallas from Arkansas where I attended the funeral of one of my best friends. Bobbie Jo Cothrine Hernandez was obviously very loved based on the massive turnout to her visitation and funeral. She will be missed by all.

On a brighter note, Cameron's last soccer game was cancelled this morning due to the weather (very cold and windy). So, I have a little time to post! But not much to say. I'm ready for the holidays - not ready as in have all my shopping done, just ready to be out of school for a break! This fall is going by fast!

Karen got me involved in facebook this week so I'm now on that as well. One good thing about it is I found a friend from college that is in NY doing voices on cartoons, acting in movies, all kinds of stuff that I knew he would do! He's a very talented artsy person.
I think it's time to go shopping for Christmas gifts, I need to get that done so I won't wait until the last minute!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Posting again!

Yes, it's my monthly posting. Things just get busy and I forget to post. Sorry!

Soccer is in full swing. Cameron's team didn't have a coach, so I volunteered his Aunt Jess to volunteer coach and she accepted graciously. Cameron has not yet grasped the concept of 'dribbling the ball' and 'shoot and score'. He likes running around and chasing the birds on the other field or racing his teammate down the field when the ball is going the opposite way. Our team is made up of 4 boys and 4 girls. I have to say that the girls definitely "get it" while the boys like to fall down (on purpose) and run around. and around. and around. It's definitely a spectator sport, since the spectators are the ones laughing so hard or yelling at the top of their lungs "go the other way!!" We are half way through his games. He misses 2 out of the 6 games due to visitation with his dad and then his uncle getting married, which happens to be next weekend. Cameron will miss out on Halloween trick or treating, but we're planning on going to a couple of festivals so he can wear his Iron man costume, or his Spiderman or his Superman. He's not certain as to which super "dude" he wants to be.

Austin's soccer team is doing very well. He has been playing forward, defender and goalie. His regular season is over, but he has 2 tournaments coming up. Starting tomorrow night, his team is in a tournament so we have at least 3 games this weekend, maybe more if they advance to semi-finals and the to finals, plus a baseball game, plus a trip to the high school to demonstrate his "invention" from invention convention in which he won 3rd place. I guess I'll go grocery shopping around midnight! He was nominated and inducted into the Beta Club at his school a few weeks ago. And, he is about to start chess club. He has asked his principal about starting a chess club and the principal just happens to be a chess player himself, and has actually taught chess, so Austin is excited about the chess club! He is still enjoying the trombone. He can actually play a few songs now and is sounding much better than when school started!

That's about it for now, look for me to post again in about another month! Maybe I'll post earlier, I need to get some pics this weekend and I'll post them. Hopefully.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend fun!

This weekend we went to the Addison Octoberfest with PawPaw, Peggy and Lane. Yes, Octoberfest in September, welcome to Texas. Didn't get any pictures except on my phone, but I don't know how to send it from my phone to my blog! So, we went to the Dallas Aborritum today with Grammy where they had all the pumpkins out! They even had a 15ft pumpkin house! I did remember to bring my camera!
Austin has started soccer games and his team has won 2 out of 2 so far. We have another game tomorrow night. Baseball is slow to get started since Ike interferred one weekend and then we had a schedule change another weekend so no games so far, but that will change this coming weekend. Cameron hasn't started his soccer season yet, but I'm hoping we get a call sometime this week since he is registered, but in a different association. They start the little ones a little later. It's back to school tomorrow, yeah! 2 more weeks then we're off for fair day, every student and teacher gets a free ticket to the state fair. Can't wait to see what the fried items are this year! I've heard there will be fried jellybeans and fried coke, just to mention a few; that just sound really weird to me!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hey, I'm posting!

OK, I know, it's been a while. We've been a little busy. School has started and we are back into a routine, sort of. Before school started, we were able to go to the Ft. Worth Zoo with Uncles John and Justin, Aunt Amanda and all the girl cousins, except for Esther who was home with her mom trying to keep well before school started. We also have a new (used) van. It is a 2008 model and the boys are so much quieter during all our travels now that it has a drop down DVD player which also has adaptors to play video games in, AND is complete with wireless headphones, way cool! Austin has started in band and absolutely loves it. Cameron awoke this morning to the sounds of the trombone! I need to find my ear plugs.......
Austin has also been taking private lessons from minor league professional baseball players/coaches, in order to learn a bit more about the hitting and pitching game. He will play fall ball this fall with the little league he played with in the spring, which consists of teams, but very casual - just having fun and keeping up their skills. He likes 6th grade much better than 5th, so he has told me all this week. We'll see if that enthusiasm continues....
And finally, we have a new roommate, Jessica, my sister, has moved in with us and is trying to find a job. She helps me out trememdously with the boys which is great - instant babysitter and housekeeping helper! Gotta run, band practice is nearing....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bye Bye Jeep

Well, I sold the Jeep today. Wouldn't ya know, the driver was uninsured so I took the insurance to pay off most of the Jeep, called the uninsured driver and he agreed to pay my deductible, and called an auto broker who has a body shop and sold it today. So, it all turned out OK, just that I own no vehicle now. My mother has a car that I can use and I may end up buying it from her, but not sure. It has a lot of miles on it.
The boys are great. Austin is getting bored and is actually ready for school to start! Cameron is just full of himself all the time. I have 2 days of workshops tomorrow and Monday then start the 18th. The kids start the 25th. We're looking forward to tax-free weekend shopping! Austin needs new shoes AGAIN! His feet are growing so fast that I told him we were going to the local thrift store to get shoes. He didn't like that thought at all. We did go to one recently and I told him that it's a good place to get name brand stuff real cheap! It's just like a yard sale. He was embarassed that we even walked in to the store! So, I guess I'll only save $ on mine and Cameron's new wardrobes because Austin just wouldn't dare wear anything from there! I told him that a lot of his clothes he wore when he was younger were from yard sales and it didn't hurt him at all!
Summer is growing much shorter, but the days keep getting hotter and hotter. I think we've had 26 straight days of over 100 degrees! I am going to try someday and put a video on here, but haven't learned how to upload onto youtube yet. I'll work on that. Later.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Jeep is hurting.....

Yeah, it's wrecked. Thank goodness all of us involved are OK. No injuries, just a little shaken up on my part. Austin was at home so he wasn't involved. Cameron and I were on our way to Starbucks and as we approached an intersection, this pick-up decided to turn right in front of us. My light was green and he thought he had an arrow. Fortunately, no one was hurt and my car got most of the damage, although his truck was bashed in on the right rear panel just behind the passenger. It didn't phase Cameron at all. I told Cameron that we were going to hit him and after we did he asked hit who Momma? When the police arrived all Cameron wanted to know was if he could sit in the policeman's car! I had 2 witnesses that helped me calm down, use their cell phone as I had left mine at home, and write down information for me as I was temporarily unable to hold a pen in my hand! Luckily the guy had insurance and he admitted it was his fault and he apologized. He was a young hispanic male and I'm sure not wanting to see his insurance go up, but I told him that's why we have insurance, it could have been worse! So, we'll see what the insurance adjuster tells me and go from there!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday Party!

Cameron turned 4 years old today and we celebrated by having a Power Ranger Birthday Party and a local park. Cameron was soooo excited to finally have his party. We had been marking days off on the calendar and the day was finally here! He got lots of cool things and new toys to play with. He was especially surprised when Spiderman came to his party! He had no idea that Spidey would show up! (Later this evening Spiderman also showed up at the house to tuck Cameron in his bed with his new Prince Caspian sheets.) You see, Cameron has been in the habit of sleeping in his mother's bed since we moved to Texas. He will take naps in his top bunk, but refuses to sleep alone at night. So, when he turned 4 the deal was that he would be big enough to sleep in his own bed. So, with a little help from some new sheets from a recently seen movie and a quick morale booster from Spidey, he's attempting to sleep tonight alone. The Spiderman suit in the picture that Cameron is wearing is one of his most favorite presents. It was the first present that I actually let him open early or I was going to have to buy it, knowing that he was getting it from Uncle John and Aunt Ashley and Esther and Emelia. He absolutely would not take his suit off for at least 3 days. He slept in it, went out to eat in it, went to Target in it, etc. Austin got to watch himself on video and proclaimed himself as a horrible actor. But, he tried and all the kids thought it was great to see Spiderman. Even several non-party kids from the bigger pool came over to see Spiderman! All in all, the party was a success and enjoyed by all.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Fun!

We had a blast in Arkansas visiting family and friends. Austin said camp was the best time he had ever had in his whole life! He definitely wants to go back next summer! However, he injured his elbow on a tubing incident and thanks to cousin Cody, we now have his arm in a splint for 2 weeks. Don't think it's broken, but Dr. C says elbows are hard to read and we will need to have a pediatric ortho take more x-rays in 2 weeks to see if a break is healing or if there is a break. He still complains that it hurts and it's been almost a week since he injured it. Due to that, he will not be able to participate in the 2nd all-star team that he was made a member of (while he was away at camp) and was extrememly excited to be playing ball again. But, his arm must really hurt for him to not play! He's becoming rather bored since he can't swim or do much with only 1 arm. He's now getting into reading again (after a trip to the library) and building really cool stuff (with 1 hand) with his THOUSANDS of legos. Cameron is always willing to help him with that task, however, the 'help' is not always welcomed. Ahhh, brotherly love.

I myself am a little tired of driving. I put over 1600 miles on my car in just 1 week! So, it's good to be home and be able to sleep in my own bed again! I'm posting pictures are from our visit and Austin's camp. I think I'll go find somewhere cool today, the high is only supposed to be 101!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

NGLL All-Stars, 2nd place champs!

Well, it was a close game, but Austin's team came in 2nd for the tournament. Austin played catcher, then left field, then finished the game as pitcher. He was pretty hard on himself since the winning run was a steal from the other team one of his pitched balls that the catcher missed and Austin tried his best to cover home plate, but didn't get the ball in time to get the runner out, end of game. His team was up 9-0 in the 2nd inning, but the other team came back and ending up winning 14-13. Austin did score a homerun! The ball went clear out to the outfield fence and he was bookin' it to home! Got it on video in case anyone wants to see it. I don't know how to put a video on you-tube yet, but maybe my brother or sister-in-law can help me with that! Now we're packing up and getting ready to head north!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Another win!

Austin's team won tonight! They led 6-0 in the 1st 3 innings, then it was 6-3, 7-3 and a final score of 7-5. Close game at the end with bases loaded 2x for the opponent with 2 outs. It took a nailbiting but the final out was a pop fly to right center and it was caught! Game over after 6 innings. We play the same team again in the morning at 10am. Nice and HOT, Can't wait!

And the winner is....

Another win for the All-Stars! It was close for the first couple of innings, but Austin's team managed to come out ahead in the end for a 12-6 victory! Austin played catcher for the last 3 innings and did a great job! Now we have another game tonight which is the team that beat us earlier this week. If we win, it's on to the championship game Saturday night against the same team. So, we may end up playing this same team 3 times for a championship! Whoo hoo!
Then it's off to Arkansas we go.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well, the second all-star game was a loss, but only by 2 points. Austin was the 2nd relief pitcher in the middle of the second inning when the score was 8-0, NOT in our favor. However, with his pitching, only 2 more runs were scored for the next 31/2 innings! We rallied in the 5th inning but couldn't get those last two points needed to tie or 3 to win. The final was 8-10. He did a great job pitching for 3 1/2 innings! So, now we get to play again Thursday night. We play the winner of the loser's bracket. If we win then we will play the same team we lost to at the championship game on Saturday. If we lose, it's all over! More to come......later!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Take me out to the ball game....

OK, first all-star game- a WIN! Austin played catcher for 3 out of 6 innings! We have another one tomorrow night. And yes, we did get to switch camp for the following week, they just happened to have a spot available... yeah!

Cameron just got a haircut and loves to tell everyone about it and ask them if they like it. Such a ham. He wanted to be the star when I was filming the all-star game the other night. But tonight, he had his very first t-ball "game". How quickly I forget how hilarious it is to watch first-timers ages 3 & 4 play t-ball! Like a swarm of little bees to the hive! Cameron hit that ball past 2nd base on his first try up to bat! Then ....... he just stood there and watch his ball go into the out field with all these parent telling him to run run run! He finally caught on and ran to first base. They make them stop on first base until the next batter hits. Then it was on to 2nd base, he did well with that. But for 3rd base, he ran, but straight to the pitcher's mound (which looked like a base since they layed an orange base there), and finally he ran home and touched the plate for a "score" Although they didn't keep score. He also got to play catcher just like his bubba! Which meant he got to pick up the ball and put it on the tee for the next batter!

These boys are getting plenty of baseball these days - as am I! Austin's team looks good and plays well, and Cameron's "team" looks kind of like Bad News Bears, too funny, but so cute!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Growing Boys

I forgot to mention that Austin is now 5'3" and weighs 112, wears a size 10 (mens) shoe!

Cameron is 3'6" and weighs 40lbs he also wears a size 10 shoe, but not men's yet!

Anyone want to contribute to the growing boy fund? Clothes, shoes, FOOD!!!! haha

All-Star Austin!

Well, Austin made it through regular baseball season and has now made the North Garland/Richardson city All-Star team! Last night was closing ceremonies for regular season where they received awards and announced nominations for All Star Baseball Teams. Austin received his 3 ribbons for placing first in the pitch-hit and run competitions, plus a silver medal for placing 2nd in the sectionals of the pitch-hit-run. He also received the coaches award for the best attitude for his team. Now our only dilema is seeing if he can go to Kanakuk later in the summer so he can play in more than 1 game for the All-Stars! We won't know until tomorrow when I can ask about that. He is pretty excited that he made the all-star team!

Cameron is learning to swim! He can put his head under water all the way and float on his back (with someone holding on of course). He loves to "swim" in Grammy's pool with a swim ring. He kicks all over the place by himself! This is a major improvement from last year when he was deathly afraid of the water! His t-ball is going great as well. He can really hit that ball off the T! His catching skills need a little improvement, but his throwing skills are pretty good! We may have another all-star on our hands!

We are keeping pretty busy with summer stuff. We go to the water park, movies (we absoutely LOVE the Studio Movie grill where you can order food and eat it while you watch a movie!), Dave and Busters to play games, the mall to walk and cool off and window shop, take Jake on long walks, check out the library, go to summer musicals, continue with baseball and then football will start in late July. We're going to see the musical STOMP next week. I will also be doing small projects around the house (hopefully).

Austin just completed a week of chess camp at Univ of Tx at Dallas where he placed 2nd out of the advanced class! He really enjoyed this chess camp as compared to last year's camp at a different location/school (totally different program).

Not much else to chat about so I'll sign off, let me here from you! Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

When does football start?????? These 8pm games are getting old! Austin's team is 8 and 6. He did well last night during a game. He started at pitcher and pitched 2 innings, almost had a no-hitter for both except for 1 guy who just had to get on 1st base! He also hit like a mad man. We took the face plate off his helmet and what a dfference it made! He can actually see the ball! His words were " Dude, I can see the whole field!" He played center field and short stop as well. He was tired because his school had field day yesterday and his face looked like a lobster! We have signed up for a select football team (it's select because it ain't cheap!) and it will start in August. Austin has also signed up to play the trombone next year. Band is a part of school (a class) in 6th grade and he can't wait to get his instrument! We are renting one to make sure he wants to play it long-term.
Cameron has started t-ball and is learning all about how to throw the ball and use his glove. He really likes it, especially so he can be just like his "bubba". He had a long weekend, he went to Arkansas to visit his other family. He's getting to be a real talkative little fella, so much so that I sometimes have to tell him that he needs to let his tongue rest a little so it will feel better. He doesn't buy that and just tells me "no mom, my tongue's not tired, it feels good" I may look into acting or advertising for him, he's quite the ham lately! He makes us laugh quite often!
Only 4 more days of school! Yesssssssss! I think I can hold on to my sanity for that long!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baseball baseball!

Austin had a great weekend! His baseball league held a Pitch, Hit and Run competition on Saturday. We got a call this morning around 10am telling us that he was the all-around champion for his division! In addition to that, he was also the Hit champion and the Run champion! (He got the best scores in hitting and running) So today we went to Rockwall and participated in the regional competition and he placed 2nd overall for his division! However, only the 1st place gets to advance, which meant a national competition held at Texas Rangers stadium! He was bummed (only because he wanted to go to Texas Rangers Stadium), but I think he did very well! He missed out on going with Uncle Justin to an FC Dallas soccer game that he was looking forward to seeing in order to participate today, but he gave it his best and I was very proud of him! Cameron learned that throwing dirt from the baseball fields on windy days can be hazardous to yourself! He did pretty good today considering we were out there for 3 hours! Not much other news going on here, trying to hang on until school's out. We went to a festival this weekend and had a picture taken like they were on the front cover of the Rollin' Stone Magazine that I will try to attach if I can, it was pretty cute!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

OK, I'm posting!

OK, I was told that I don't blog much, so I needed to add something. However, I have misplaced my compac flash for my camera so I won't be able to add any photos until I find it, which may be after school gets out!
Austin is busy playing baseball and learning how to become a true "tween" He seems to be getting that 'mouth' on him, and getting grounded more frequently and having those "games" etc. taken away! I think he's ready for school to be out, as we all are. Piano is about to come to an end. He just doesn't have the drive to practice anymore and I'm not paying $20 per lesson for him to play the same songs over and over because he refuses to memorize them (or says he can't)! He wants to take band next year. His instrument of choice is either trumpet or drums/percussion. So, we'll see how that turns out! He will be going to Kanakuk Kamp the last week of June. He's looking forward to it and I hope he will be able to get a lot out of it, bring it back and carry it with him as he matures. He was sick today with fever headache and stomach ache. He was at school until about noon today, when the fever came.
Cameron is becoming quite the communicator. He definitly has the gift of gab. He's learning great stuff at his school and tells me about it every day. He will be taking swimming lessons starting in June and I think we might be able to do some t-ball for most of the season before he has to do visitation with his dad. Both are through the Y here and are good programs. We still don't know about when he will be with his dad this summer.
We welcomed a new neice/cousin on April 23, Caroline, she looks a lot like her sister! Cameron and I got to see her after she was just a few hours old! She's a cutie!
Not much else going on here, we're ready for school to be out, our last day is June 4 (I'm supposed to go June 5) and that seems like a late day for school to be getting out, I guess since we started in AR, but TX started about 8-10 days later, we really are going longer this year since we get out later doen here in TX, it seems like this year has been really long! Lots of changes went on this past year, but now that we're more settled I think things will be better, heck, they already are!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break/Easter

OK, what a break we have had, I think we need a break from our break! We had a super time at Great Wolf Lodge. The indoor water park was way cool, lots of rides, a wave pool, tubes, kiddie area, etc. too much to mention. Then there was the MagiQuest game throughout the whole lodge. You buy a wand and a game and go all over the hotel looking for quests in order to become a Master Magi. Austin didn't give up until he was a Master! Cameron didn't feel too great and wanted to go to bed early, which is how I knew he didn't feel good. There were crafts to do, a place for teens to go and listen to music or get on the computers and play online, guitar hero contests, etc. They really know how to cease boredom! There was always something happening at the Lodge. We also ate at the Rainforest Cafe, which was really cool. It's as if you are sitting in an actual rain forest, complete with animals and sounds! Then we came home and I had my yard sale and finally got rid of a bunch of "treasures". The next day we drove to Arkansas and stayed a few days and got to see just about everyone we wanted to see, except it was rather wet and we almost had to buy a boat to get across the river! This past Friday night, I took the boys to Medieval Times which is a dinner and tournament place where you eat with your fingers and watch the show full of knights jousting, participating in tournament activities, etc. Austin said it was way cool and wanted to have his birthday there. They announce your name for birthdays and anniversaries and they can even Knight you! Austin was knighted before, on his 4th birthday, but he didn't remember everything about the place. Cameron thought it was cool too, but was ready to go at the end. Now it's Easter and we had a good morning. Cameron kept wanting to hide the eggs (all day long, then Jake started eating them before we could find them all!) Yesterday, I took Cameron to a church Easter festival, he got his face painted, had an egg hunt, a petting zoo, boucne houses, etc. He had some fun! Jake was glad to see us back home since he spent a few days with "Grammy". As I sit here typing, the Hogs are not doing well in the NCAA tournament against UNC, horrible in fact, I can't see the game just the score popping up while the Memphis/Miss st game is on, which is a good game. Gotta run, Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break!

Yeah! Spring Break is almost here! I'm taking the boys to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine for 2 nights/3 days. We leave tomorrow after school. It has the largest indoor water park in Texas. You can also do something called the Quest in which you have a magic wand and go all over the lodge and seek different quests in a certain amount of time. I think you can also interact with different things/make them do fun stuff within the hotel with the wand. Some of the rooms have little private cabins within the rooms that have a set of bunk beds and their own tv in them. Austin can't wait. We are taking 1 day off early from our break - we actually get off this Friday, but since the rates were drastically cheaper during the week instead of the weekend, I decided to go 1 day early, which is very much needed. I'll try to take some pictures and post them later, but if I don't get to, the web has some great info about it. I'm just glad they have a Starbucks right there in the lodge! Cameron is trying to get sick again, running a little fever and has a little cough this evening so I hope he gets over it real soon! He has added the word "actually" to his vocabulary lately, It's pretty funny to hear him say it and use it correctly in a sentence! That's it for now, gotta get some much needed sleep!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


SNOW! Yes, we do have snow in Texas! Not much, but we did have some! The boys played out in it today before having to go to school. Jake was so excited he was trying to eat it as it was falling from the sky last night (first timer for snow). Austin has started ball practice - 3 days a week! Not sure yet what position he will play, but his coach asked him to bring his catching gear next practice. He has the dredded TAKS test tomorrow for reading. Which is the Texas standardized assessment that all students have to take. If you don't pass the TAKS, you don't move onto 6th grade so he is not so excited about it. On another note, we added another animal to our house, a pet rabbit. We had her for about 2 weeks but returned her to her previous owner since no one wanted to clean out her cage and I kept having to do all of it. Her name is Radar since she has big ears and likes to raise them up whenever she hears a noise. But, she was too much with all I have to do and not getting much help from Austin. He liked her, but didn't want to clean up after her and rabbits poop a lot and he didn't realize it was going to be a chore to clean out the cage! Plus, Jake kept looking at her like she was his next snack, so we decided to wait on the rabbit for a while. We are coming to Arkansas March 16 to stay a few days so hopefully we will get to see everyone!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Found the camera!

OK, OK, finally found the camera, then I couldn't load the pictures until I found the card reader so I could upload the photos! Now we're in business! Everything is going well here in D-town. We're trying to get all settled, but all those boxes just keep starring at me and me not wanting to open them. So, this weekend is the big yard sale, giantic proportions, make-me-an-offer kind of sale, can't wait to get rid of a lot of stuff. Boys are fine, Austin keeps injuring his knee over and over. Went to the orthopeadic Dr. here and had x-ray and MRI, but result is the same - bad bruise. I think the real reason is to get out of school for a day or so. He is really missing his friends, but I keep telling him that he will make new ones. He got drafted last weekend for a team that a coach saw him during try outs and called that same evening and wanted to "freeze" Austin for his team before the official draft which is in another week or so. Baseball is a little bit more professional-like down here in these parts, I guess. Apparently each team can freeze only 2 players before the official draft and this coach wanted Austin. He's very excited about it, to say the least. I was like, where's my Escalade???? Uncle Justin worked with him one weekend and gave him a few pointers before tryouts, thanks Uncle Justin! Cameron is busy with Power Rangers now, everything is Power Rangers! Loves them! He likes his outside playground too, see the pictures! Jake is getting bigger every day and loves to play and chew and chew and chew! Not much else going on here trying to stay grounded and healthy. I'll try to post more pictures more often now that I have my camera and card reader!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Well, we have officially moved into our new house. When I can find the camera, I can post some pictures of it! Austin is growing his hair out and trying to see how long he can go without water and soap touching his body, I think. Cameron is being himself and not wanting to follow directions all the time, but who does? Cameron has a playground in the back yard that is really cool - it has a rock climbing wall, 2 swings, a swinging handle bar thing, a slide, a house/fort thing, a sand box and wood chips surrounding it - so it's safe too! I just stay busy raising my 2 boys. I really don't have much of a life right now, but that's just fine with me. (Who really does when your raising 2 boys solo????)I keep busy with the new house and being a mom. We have plenty of room now for guests so anyone wanting to come to big D, come on down! I try to unpack 1 box per day and hopefully i will be able to find my camera. I am missing my phones also. We only have 1 phone in the whole house and no answering machine yet either, so if you try to call, you may have to keep trying or call my cell. We really had a great time over Christmas visiting everyone, although it was short and kind of hectic and tireing (did I spell that right? tiring just didn't look right) with the big move. Thanks to my awesome brothers and dad, I was able to get most of my stuff moved down here. They can really pack a U-haul! I hired 2 guys to help me unload and they told me I got my money's worth for that U-haul! Gotta go get some sleep now - more later, hopefully with some pictures!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???