Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday Party!

Cameron turned 4 years old today and we celebrated by having a Power Ranger Birthday Party and a local park. Cameron was soooo excited to finally have his party. We had been marking days off on the calendar and the day was finally here! He got lots of cool things and new toys to play with. He was especially surprised when Spiderman came to his party! He had no idea that Spidey would show up! (Later this evening Spiderman also showed up at the house to tuck Cameron in his bed with his new Prince Caspian sheets.) You see, Cameron has been in the habit of sleeping in his mother's bed since we moved to Texas. He will take naps in his top bunk, but refuses to sleep alone at night. So, when he turned 4 the deal was that he would be big enough to sleep in his own bed. So, with a little help from some new sheets from a recently seen movie and a quick morale booster from Spidey, he's attempting to sleep tonight alone. The Spiderman suit in the picture that Cameron is wearing is one of his most favorite presents. It was the first present that I actually let him open early or I was going to have to buy it, knowing that he was getting it from Uncle John and Aunt Ashley and Esther and Emelia. He absolutely would not take his suit off for at least 3 days. He slept in it, went out to eat in it, went to Target in it, etc. Austin got to watch himself on video and proclaimed himself as a horrible actor. But, he tried and all the kids thought it was great to see Spiderman. Even several non-party kids from the bigger pool came over to see Spiderman! All in all, the party was a success and enjoyed by all.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Fun!

We had a blast in Arkansas visiting family and friends. Austin said camp was the best time he had ever had in his whole life! He definitely wants to go back next summer! However, he injured his elbow on a tubing incident and thanks to cousin Cody, we now have his arm in a splint for 2 weeks. Don't think it's broken, but Dr. C says elbows are hard to read and we will need to have a pediatric ortho take more x-rays in 2 weeks to see if a break is healing or if there is a break. He still complains that it hurts and it's been almost a week since he injured it. Due to that, he will not be able to participate in the 2nd all-star team that he was made a member of (while he was away at camp) and was extrememly excited to be playing ball again. But, his arm must really hurt for him to not play! He's becoming rather bored since he can't swim or do much with only 1 arm. He's now getting into reading again (after a trip to the library) and building really cool stuff (with 1 hand) with his THOUSANDS of legos. Cameron is always willing to help him with that task, however, the 'help' is not always welcomed. Ahhh, brotherly love.

I myself am a little tired of driving. I put over 1600 miles on my car in just 1 week! So, it's good to be home and be able to sleep in my own bed again! I'm posting pictures are from our visit and Austin's camp. I think I'll go find somewhere cool today, the high is only supposed to be 101!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???