Saturday, June 28, 2008

NGLL All-Stars, 2nd place champs!

Well, it was a close game, but Austin's team came in 2nd for the tournament. Austin played catcher, then left field, then finished the game as pitcher. He was pretty hard on himself since the winning run was a steal from the other team one of his pitched balls that the catcher missed and Austin tried his best to cover home plate, but didn't get the ball in time to get the runner out, end of game. His team was up 9-0 in the 2nd inning, but the other team came back and ending up winning 14-13. Austin did score a homerun! The ball went clear out to the outfield fence and he was bookin' it to home! Got it on video in case anyone wants to see it. I don't know how to put a video on you-tube yet, but maybe my brother or sister-in-law can help me with that! Now we're packing up and getting ready to head north!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Another win!

Austin's team won tonight! They led 6-0 in the 1st 3 innings, then it was 6-3, 7-3 and a final score of 7-5. Close game at the end with bases loaded 2x for the opponent with 2 outs. It took a nailbiting but the final out was a pop fly to right center and it was caught! Game over after 6 innings. We play the same team again in the morning at 10am. Nice and HOT, Can't wait!

And the winner is....

Another win for the All-Stars! It was close for the first couple of innings, but Austin's team managed to come out ahead in the end for a 12-6 victory! Austin played catcher for the last 3 innings and did a great job! Now we have another game tonight which is the team that beat us earlier this week. If we win, it's on to the championship game Saturday night against the same team. So, we may end up playing this same team 3 times for a championship! Whoo hoo!
Then it's off to Arkansas we go.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well, the second all-star game was a loss, but only by 2 points. Austin was the 2nd relief pitcher in the middle of the second inning when the score was 8-0, NOT in our favor. However, with his pitching, only 2 more runs were scored for the next 31/2 innings! We rallied in the 5th inning but couldn't get those last two points needed to tie or 3 to win. The final was 8-10. He did a great job pitching for 3 1/2 innings! So, now we get to play again Thursday night. We play the winner of the loser's bracket. If we win then we will play the same team we lost to at the championship game on Saturday. If we lose, it's all over! More to come......later!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Take me out to the ball game....

OK, first all-star game- a WIN! Austin played catcher for 3 out of 6 innings! We have another one tomorrow night. And yes, we did get to switch camp for the following week, they just happened to have a spot available... yeah!

Cameron just got a haircut and loves to tell everyone about it and ask them if they like it. Such a ham. He wanted to be the star when I was filming the all-star game the other night. But tonight, he had his very first t-ball "game". How quickly I forget how hilarious it is to watch first-timers ages 3 & 4 play t-ball! Like a swarm of little bees to the hive! Cameron hit that ball past 2nd base on his first try up to bat! Then ....... he just stood there and watch his ball go into the out field with all these parent telling him to run run run! He finally caught on and ran to first base. They make them stop on first base until the next batter hits. Then it was on to 2nd base, he did well with that. But for 3rd base, he ran, but straight to the pitcher's mound (which looked like a base since they layed an orange base there), and finally he ran home and touched the plate for a "score" Although they didn't keep score. He also got to play catcher just like his bubba! Which meant he got to pick up the ball and put it on the tee for the next batter!

These boys are getting plenty of baseball these days - as am I! Austin's team looks good and plays well, and Cameron's "team" looks kind of like Bad News Bears, too funny, but so cute!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Growing Boys

I forgot to mention that Austin is now 5'3" and weighs 112, wears a size 10 (mens) shoe!

Cameron is 3'6" and weighs 40lbs he also wears a size 10 shoe, but not men's yet!

Anyone want to contribute to the growing boy fund? Clothes, shoes, FOOD!!!! haha

All-Star Austin!

Well, Austin made it through regular baseball season and has now made the North Garland/Richardson city All-Star team! Last night was closing ceremonies for regular season where they received awards and announced nominations for All Star Baseball Teams. Austin received his 3 ribbons for placing first in the pitch-hit and run competitions, plus a silver medal for placing 2nd in the sectionals of the pitch-hit-run. He also received the coaches award for the best attitude for his team. Now our only dilema is seeing if he can go to Kanakuk later in the summer so he can play in more than 1 game for the All-Stars! We won't know until tomorrow when I can ask about that. He is pretty excited that he made the all-star team!

Cameron is learning to swim! He can put his head under water all the way and float on his back (with someone holding on of course). He loves to "swim" in Grammy's pool with a swim ring. He kicks all over the place by himself! This is a major improvement from last year when he was deathly afraid of the water! His t-ball is going great as well. He can really hit that ball off the T! His catching skills need a little improvement, but his throwing skills are pretty good! We may have another all-star on our hands!

We are keeping pretty busy with summer stuff. We go to the water park, movies (we absoutely LOVE the Studio Movie grill where you can order food and eat it while you watch a movie!), Dave and Busters to play games, the mall to walk and cool off and window shop, take Jake on long walks, check out the library, go to summer musicals, continue with baseball and then football will start in late July. We're going to see the musical STOMP next week. I will also be doing small projects around the house (hopefully).

Austin just completed a week of chess camp at Univ of Tx at Dallas where he placed 2nd out of the advanced class! He really enjoyed this chess camp as compared to last year's camp at a different location/school (totally different program).

Not much else to chat about so I'll sign off, let me here from you! Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???