Monday, February 8, 2010

Yes, I'm posting!

Wow, it's been so long since I posted, I about forgot my password to even get into my own blog! Most of my blog readers did see us over Christmas, so it's not actually been that long ago since I informed. Anyway,
I'll try to see what I can tell you that has been going on lately in our lives.

Austin has started full swing into his second term in all pre-AP classes. He recently had to register for 8th grade classes and will again do all pre-AP, only next year he will get high school credit for math class! And he will get credit for taking a business/management class. That only means that during his senior year, he will probably only go to school for half a day, which I'm sure won't bother him at all! He began playing basketball halfway through his school's season because he asked the coach if he could be on the team. He went the first day for tryouts back in November but decided he "sucked" and didn't want to continue with tryouts. So, the coach graciously accepted him on the team and I think was happy that he got a defensive player. Austin is the tallest kid on the team and towers over all the others. He wasn't much of a scoring contributor to the team, (he averaged 2-4 pts per game) but he sure could block and play defense! He would play 2 quarters per game. His team wasn't star quality, but I think he had a good time learning about a different sport, after all, it's all about having fun, right? He is now focusing on his select baseball team as they have started practicing. Games will begin in March and we have at least 6 tournaments already on the schedule. He will be the starting catcher.

Cameron on the other hand, seems to be liking the drama part of life. He did take TaeKwonDo for about 2 months, but I don't think he was quite ready to listen and get serious about it just yet. So, we have started piano lessons. He really has an ear for music (Hmmm, don't know where he gets that?) and seems to enjoy piano. Also, apparently he is learning much more at school than I thought. Last week I received an email from his teacher explaining that Cameron had to turn his card to RED (green, yellow, orange, blue, then red) but he went from green to red, no in-between for his 'act'. Apparently he learned how to show someone he thought they were number one, using his middle finger. THEN, to top it off, he lied to his teacher and told her that "my mom said that it wasn't a bad word!" But after calling his bluff by threatening to call me and ask me if that is what I said, the teacher got him to admit that his mom didn't really say that to him, hence the turning of the card. Well, after totally being mortified and apologizing to his teacher, I was able to talk to him after school and ask him where he learned that signal. He said Lucas (another student in his class and the one who told on him) said "don't stick your middle finger up because it's a bad word" So I asked him why he did it and Cameron said "because Lucas said he wasn't going to be my friend anymore and play with me" He then asked me what bad word it was. Believe me, he now knows that it is a bad thing to do! (but he still doesn't know what word it is). So, it's been a little "dramatic" around our house!

I recently joined my high school's theater production of the Sound of Music and got to be a nun. It was so fun! There were about 15 "adult" nuns along with the other cast of high school student nuns. We had performances last Thur Fri and Sat nights. No speaking parts, just singing and being on stage for 4 different numbers. I had a blast!

Well, that about wraps up the excitement we've had these past few weeks. We are all just trying to stay well. I have some intestinal bacteria that won't go away called H-pylori and on my second round of antiobiotics (first round didn't kill it) I had an allergic reaction and had to go to the ER one night. Benedryl is my FRIEND! Now I have to see a GI doc to see if there is any other treatment regimen available since I'm allergic to the main antibiotic used to treat and apparently another string of them now too. So, hopefully there will be something available since this bacteria can lead to things such as stenosis of the esophagus or even stomach cancer if I don't get rid of it.

That is all for now, tired of typing, I'll try to post pictures when I can find my usb cord to my phone!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???