Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well the end of school is near! 9 more days!

Since I last posted, Austin has been asked to be on another select baseball team that 2 players from his Tigers team from little league now play on. He is really enjoying playing on 2 teams now, The Heroes and The Dallas Braves. The Braves will be going to a tournament in Colorado the last week in July so we will be heading that way. He is also taking lessons from a man that tells me that Austin has some great talent and he will go far in baseball. He played in college and his son is on the Berkner high school team, which is where I teach and also where Austin will go. I have introduced Austin to the high school varsity baseball coach, who recieved the 9-5A coach of the year award this year and the team went to the state semi finals. This coach gave me the name of this guy for lessons and he is a keeper. Austin has a tournament this weekend so we(he) will be playing baseball all weekend. Austin will be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society next week. He was nominated and had to fill out a form and was accepted!

Cameron is doing better in school and t-ball. In his last game he hit the ball 2x with coach pitching. They get three tries from the coach pitching and then they put the tee up for them to hit off for each at bat. He also played first base and got a batter out! He is still very talkative and questions everything. At times, he does say some pretty cool stuff. He told me the other day that when God was picking out his mom he picked out the best best best mom ever. Smile :) He has Kindergarten graduation next week. I can't believe he will be moving into 1st grade already!

Needless to say, I'm pretty proud of my 2 boys. Healthwise, they are doing fine. Austin has a fungus or something on his arms that looks like he is broken out. He's been on 2 antibiotics and 2 different creams so maybe it will go away soon. If he would quit scratching or picking on them they might heal faster. Yeah, that was pretty gross to mention, but it's reality. Cameron just has allergies, but takes meds for it. I'm waiting to take the breath test next week to see if the bacteria has gone away. I have headaches every day now and it may be a side effect of meds. So I have to stop a medication and see if the headache goes away.

That's all I have for now.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Happy Friday. 29 days and counting til the end of this school year. Couldn't be happier.

Austin's team The Heroes had a tournament April 10-11 and ended up in 3rd place out of 10 teams. He did good and was happy that by placing in this tournament, his team qualified for regionals later on this summer. His team has a photo website if you want to see some pics go here: Now he is busy trying to keep his grades up (which he can do but gets lazy and just doesn't turn in homework sometimes)and texting on his phone. And yes, he has a girlfriend now. This is all new territory. He realized that his phone can be taken away for 2 weeks at a time and has somehow found the motivation to do his work. Funny how that works.
He has contacted his biological father on facebook and he responded back. Out of respect for me, he wanted to speak to me to make sure that Austin wasn't going behind my back trying to contact him. So I spoke to him on the phone and we are going to try and meet sometime so that Austin can get to meet him. Never thought this would happen, but Austin was really struggling with it and I encouraged him to contact him. Believe it or not he now lives in Batesville. Weird.

Cameron on the other hand is still challenging his teachers (and me)with his behavior. Even in his specials classes like art and music he is not doing very well or making very good choices. It's not that he doesn't understand the rules, he just chooses to do his own thing. He definitely has the "gift" of gab. He tells me he just like to talk. His academics are right on so I know he's learning, but it's depressing when your 5 year old comes home every day with either a note or his color changed because of making wrong choices. His main thing is talking and then keeping hands/feet to himself and not following directions. I think the main reason is that he is very immature and needs to get out of "play" mode which he seems to be in almost all the time. I know he likes to be silly and try to make others laugh. I guess he will be voted class clown, who knows! One good thing is that his piano is coming along very well. He really has an ear for it and impresses me each time he plays. Getting him to practice is not always easy, but he eventually does it.

I think I have finally come to the point where I can get rid of this H pylori bacteria that I've had for a while now. After having been tested for penicillin, which I used to be allergic to, it appears I am no longer allergic to it. So, that opened up a whole world of antibiotics that can help get rid of it. I was very anxious about taking the initial dose, but so far I've had no adverse reaction. I took my first round (1000mg of amoxicillin) this morning and do that 2x a day for 5 days along with a medication similar to previcid called protonix, then I'll take another antibiotic 2x/day for another 5 days, then a 3rd one for 5 days and then I wait for 2 weeks, go back in and have a breath test (don't recommend that as I've already had it, but it wasn't that bad, just a horrible taste that makes you want to vomit) to see if the bacteria is gone. Hopefully this will get rid of it and it won't bother me anymore. I have lost about 12 lbs. because of this as it makes me nautious. But hey, I needed to lose the weight, and it wouldn't hurt me to lose a little more.

That's about all I have for now. Later.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I've added a few pics from today and from a baseball tournament last weekend. Not much to report just getting into full swing with baseball for Austin and Cameron has his first practice on Wed. Austin has 2 games this week and a tournament this coming weekend. Bring it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Illnesses, illnesses, go away!

Ok, Enough is enough! We're sick and tired of being sick and tired! Well, at least I am anyway.

For the past few days, Cameron has had a stomach bug, both ends, and has missed 2 days of school. He is hardly ever sick, but when he is, he really gets it! He's back to school today and hopefully will be symptom free! I love doing laundry, every few hours.....

For those of you not on facebook, Austin had another concussion last week and is no longer a member of athletics at his school. Apparently the track coaches thought that Austin looked like a good high jumper and just put him in a track meet without any practice or instruction or training, or whatever. Austin told me that a "friend" showed him how to do the high jump a few minutes before the event. Well, being Austin, he gave it his all and went for it full force, but apparently wasn't supposed to take out the pole stand with him as he jumped backwards. Then, instead of landing on the padding, his back hits the side of the pad and his head hits the ground. This was his 4th trial and it was down to Austin and 2 other guys for the win. His response, "but mom, I cleared it!" The height was 4'8". I took him to the ER and they did CT scan and x-rays and everything was fine, just mild concussion without loss of consciousness. He of course had to miss baseball practice and his first scrimmage game for this season. Needless to say, the coaches and principal got a wonderful email from me explaining my concerns and why Austin would no longer be involved in middle school athletics. So now Austin realizes that if he is going to play select baseball and pay $$ for it, he will have to not participate in any other sport to avoid all injuries. His baseball coach was not too happy his starting catcher got hurt again (but also understood that he is a good athlete and wants to participate in other sports) but has been reassured by Austin that he is committed to the team. Games begin next week. So far, he has 16 games scheduled and 6 tournaments. He's doing much better now and will be going to practice tonight!

Spring break is in 1 week and it couldn't come any sooner! I'm ready for a break! I will be meeting Cameron's grandmother in Texarkana in March 13 and then again on March 20. He will be visiting in Searcy for the whole week! I'll really miss him but he needs to spend time with his family.

I will be working my second job during spring break so no "trips" planned for us. I work for a private practice in Plano. I started this in December and really like/need the extra income. I work M-Th after school. I'm sure it will continue in the summer as well. Therefore, I virtually have no time to do anything anymore, but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do, right?

Hope all reader(s) are well and staying healthy! Later peeps,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yes, I'm posting!

Wow, it's been so long since I posted, I about forgot my password to even get into my own blog! Most of my blog readers did see us over Christmas, so it's not actually been that long ago since I informed. Anyway,
I'll try to see what I can tell you that has been going on lately in our lives.

Austin has started full swing into his second term in all pre-AP classes. He recently had to register for 8th grade classes and will again do all pre-AP, only next year he will get high school credit for math class! And he will get credit for taking a business/management class. That only means that during his senior year, he will probably only go to school for half a day, which I'm sure won't bother him at all! He began playing basketball halfway through his school's season because he asked the coach if he could be on the team. He went the first day for tryouts back in November but decided he "sucked" and didn't want to continue with tryouts. So, the coach graciously accepted him on the team and I think was happy that he got a defensive player. Austin is the tallest kid on the team and towers over all the others. He wasn't much of a scoring contributor to the team, (he averaged 2-4 pts per game) but he sure could block and play defense! He would play 2 quarters per game. His team wasn't star quality, but I think he had a good time learning about a different sport, after all, it's all about having fun, right? He is now focusing on his select baseball team as they have started practicing. Games will begin in March and we have at least 6 tournaments already on the schedule. He will be the starting catcher.

Cameron on the other hand, seems to be liking the drama part of life. He did take TaeKwonDo for about 2 months, but I don't think he was quite ready to listen and get serious about it just yet. So, we have started piano lessons. He really has an ear for music (Hmmm, don't know where he gets that?) and seems to enjoy piano. Also, apparently he is learning much more at school than I thought. Last week I received an email from his teacher explaining that Cameron had to turn his card to RED (green, yellow, orange, blue, then red) but he went from green to red, no in-between for his 'act'. Apparently he learned how to show someone he thought they were number one, using his middle finger. THEN, to top it off, he lied to his teacher and told her that "my mom said that it wasn't a bad word!" But after calling his bluff by threatening to call me and ask me if that is what I said, the teacher got him to admit that his mom didn't really say that to him, hence the turning of the card. Well, after totally being mortified and apologizing to his teacher, I was able to talk to him after school and ask him where he learned that signal. He said Lucas (another student in his class and the one who told on him) said "don't stick your middle finger up because it's a bad word" So I asked him why he did it and Cameron said "because Lucas said he wasn't going to be my friend anymore and play with me" He then asked me what bad word it was. Believe me, he now knows that it is a bad thing to do! (but he still doesn't know what word it is). So, it's been a little "dramatic" around our house!

I recently joined my high school's theater production of the Sound of Music and got to be a nun. It was so fun! There were about 15 "adult" nuns along with the other cast of high school student nuns. We had performances last Thur Fri and Sat nights. No speaking parts, just singing and being on stage for 4 different numbers. I had a blast!

Well, that about wraps up the excitement we've had these past few weeks. We are all just trying to stay well. I have some intestinal bacteria that won't go away called H-pylori and on my second round of antiobiotics (first round didn't kill it) I had an allergic reaction and had to go to the ER one night. Benedryl is my FRIEND! Now I have to see a GI doc to see if there is any other treatment regimen available since I'm allergic to the main antibiotic used to treat and apparently another string of them now too. So, hopefully there will be something available since this bacteria can lead to things such as stenosis of the esophagus or even stomach cancer if I don't get rid of it.

That is all for now, tired of typing, I'll try to post pictures when I can find my usb cord to my phone!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???