Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I am so lucky to be a mother. Although it's challenging, and the older I get the less patience I have, I wouldn't change it for the world. I also am very fortunate to still have my mother. I know so many who have lost their mothers and had them in my thoughts yesterday. When you lose a mother, or even a mother figure, Mother's day can be difficult. I miss my 'other' mother dearly and wish I could tell her just once more how much she meant to me. I wish she could see all her grandchildren and how proud I am of all of them and how smart they are. I think she might agree!
My boys gave me a gift certificate to get a 1 hour massage and a gift certificate to Bath and Body Works. Austin told me I needed the massage! He was soooo right! We went out for a Mother's day brunch at Nana's Grill at the top of the Anatole Hotel. It was VERY nice. The view was spectacular. Cameron didn't quite know how to act and was just himself, the whole time, burping outloud and everything. At least he did say excuse me. He learned how to burp with his mouth closed that day. Jessica came in from Austin and we had a great 2 hour long meal with great food, but very expensive! Glad I wasn't paying! The hotel was very nice in the lobby and the pictures show just a little snapshot of the glamour. Cameron didn't mind posing, but Austin just "chilled" since he was a bit tired from playing video games with his buddies on Xbox live into the wee hours of the morning!
Cameron "graduated" from preschool last Friday night. It was a cute ceremony complete with dinner! He is ready for Kindergarten, if he could only keep his mouth shut! I think I might have to work on his social skills this summer. Last week at Austin's baseball game, another parent told Cameron he could ride this scooter and a few minutes later when the scooter's owner told Cameron to get off (unaware that his parents had told Cameron he could ride it) and was trying to lift the scooter so Cameron would get off, Cameron reared back, made a fist and punched the kid right in the face by his left cheek bone/eye area! I couldn't believe it. My 4 year old punching a 7 year old and making him cry. I was so embarrassed and upset that he would do such a thing! I have never seen him act like that. Most of the time he justs cries and screams. I may need to watch a few of these shows he is watching on cartoon network and see what kind of violence is going on before I let him watch that channel again!
Well, that's about it for now - so far we haven't contacted the Swine flu. I know I won't be kissin' on any pigs anytime soon!

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About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???