Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, it's been about a month - maybe a little longer, since I posted so I guess I'll post! As things get busy around the house, I don't make the time to update as much as I should. So, I'm off today from work and decided it was time to blog. Plus, I was made aware that I hadn't blogged in a while, so this is for you , Dad. I think you're about the only one who reads this since you're the only one who says anything to me about it.

We had a good time in Arkansas for Christmas. Although we didn't have Cameron for 5 days, he was able to join us for the Lodge and Christmas with PawPaw. We had a very nice Christmas with lots of gifts! We were very blessed this season!

Austin is playing goalie for an indoor soccer team and will start outdoor soccer again in about a week. Baseball will start in a few weeks too. He will play again for North Garland Little League on the same team, Tigers. Today I took him to see the movie Valkerie. It was a good movie. Austin had already known about the col. Schafenberg (I think that's how to spell it) from watching the History channel. He was informing me of things about to happen during the movie. He is a WWII history buff and is a sponge when it comes to history. He also is very much into flying planes and wants to take flying lessons. He keeps saying he wants to be in the Navy.
Cameron is getting into the playstation addiction. He's beginning to play the games Austin had when he was younger. Right now his 2 games of choice are Lego Star Wars and Spyro. Dad, you'll be proud to know that his favorite book to read to himself on his new tag system is Walter the Farting Dog. There are a tons of fart sounds all throughout the book and it just makes Cameron laugh hysterically! You either have to laugh with him or walk away thinking it's gross. If I had more etiquette, I would probably walk away, but it's pretty funny. I think it's funnier watching Cameron get such a kick out of the farting!
I'm adding some pictures also, just read above them or below them for captions. That's all for now, I'll try to update more often, maybe.


Unknown said...

Noticed that your recent blog entry included a note about Walter the Farting Dog.

We make a Walter doll and, yes, he does include a special sound every time you squeeze him.

Link to the Walter doll:

Our company site:

Thought you might enjoy it!

Ashley said...

We, too, read your blog and are glad for the update. I can just picture Cameron cracking up at that book! Too funny! And, it's so cool to hear about all of Austin's interests. Who knows, he may turn out to be a pilot someday!

Anonymous said...

I, too, read your blog. Sometimes I'm a few days late. Shocking considering the regularity with which you post! NOT. Hope you guys are enjoying the lovely white weather over there. I'm too old to enjoy it much anymore. Love, hugs and kisses!!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???