Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Things are going well in the Big D. Cameron is adjusting to his new school and Austin is meeting new friends. He says school is easy, so maybe he will do just fine. Halloween has been fun this year with Cameron. He is Superman - see side photo. He's very excited about it! He has already been to 3 carnivals, 2 at local churches and 1 at the YMCA. Then there is the actual trick or treating! wow! Can't wait for that sugar high! Austin decided to go scary this year, which he thinks is really cool. He says he wants to scare all the trick or treaters that come to the house by standing by the side of the house and run towards them (in the dark) screaming! UGH!


Anonymous said...

Tell Cameron that Noah is also Superman-the states of AR and TX should both feel very safe! Hope you all are doing well :) Sara

Anonymous said...

Scary, yes, Austin. But what in the world are you?!

About Me

Austin is my oldest son. He loves most sports with a ball (especially baseball and football), used to take taekwondo, used to play the piano (when forced to practice), now plays the trombone,and is a very good chess player. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, I'm pretty proud of all his accomplishments. If this is what he does now, I can't wait to see what his future holds! My younger son is Cameron. He's 4 going on 30. His life is full of admiring his older brother, trying to be just like him, but also pestering him just as Austin pesters him. Cameron loves to eat and never misses a meal. He is into trains, trucks, just about any vehicle that he can "drive" or push as fast as he can go, likes to watch Little Einsteins, Barney, Spiderman, Stuart Little, and has now joined the Harry Potter club. He is also trying to see how far he can push my buttons. I think that is a normal 4 year old thing, maybe???